Pisces Full Moon ♥

Wednesday the 2nd of September we have a Full Moon falling in the Water sign of Pisces. Pisces is sensitive, tender and flowing. This Full Moon may feel incredibly dreamy, ethereal and our subconscious minds may be working harder than usual to release deeply buried wounds. Anything that we may have taken on in negative ways over the last six months will be asking to be released as well.

Septembers Pisces Full Moon is also known as the Harvest Full Moon. This is the Full Moon closest to the Equinox, and of course, as the name implies, is a period of harvest and reaping what we sow.

As we know, all Full Moons are related to a culmination and climax, which makes sense with the Harvest Full Moon. This time, the Full Moon falls in the last zodiac sign of Pisces, so there’s a greater amount of energy, a lot more than usual on the need to let outdated and bogged down energy to be released.

Pisces represents the energies of endings, loss of boundaries and merging with everything that is. In some ways, this Full Moon is a new start as well, as the next Full Moon will occur in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries & the astrological wheel of Lunations is beginning again.

There is a deep, awakening energy to this Full Moon, not just because it falls in the naturally psychic zodiac of Pisces, but because it also makes a harmonious alignment to Uranus.

Uranus is the planet of awakenings and change. It encourages us to see things through a fresh clean lens. Uranian energy ask us to look at things in a new order, to shift our awareness and tap into our higher consciousness.

From now until February 2021, we have a challenging Mars aspecting both Saturn and Pluto, whilst gearing up to go Retrograde. This will make most lunations seem tough for a while, with a feeling of limitation, frustration, fear and intensity.

However, Jupiter with Pluto can also mean learning to empower ourselves in new ways, and having faith that all will be well… Faith is a keyword for the sign of Pisces.

Neptune is also close to the Pisces Full Moon, which lends a smoke-and-mirrors energy to the mix, but also an energy of compassion, forgiveness and the ability to really find meaning in even the most tough situations. This can give us a spiritual direction during a frustrating period.

However, with Neptune, we always need to be careful to read between the lines, as our imagination, and our rose-coloured glasses, may not always tell us the full story.

Our feelings may not be entirely clear to us during this time either, and we have to go very deep to get to the core of a matter, its dig deeper time! Meditation, dreams and communing with a higher source of energy is very beneficial to gain insight into a situation during this Full Moon.

Fortunately, the Sun and Mercury in practical Virgo lends some rationality and realism during an otherwise dreamy ethereal Pisces Full Moon. This Full Moon may offer some kind of healing in some way, too, whether spiritual or physical.

Venus and Saturn are also active under this Full Moon and may be stir up issues in our relationships. This energy calls for us to own our actions and to speak our truth rather than getting defensive.

It calls for us to not deflect or pass blame, but to really take responsibility for our behavior and what we want to create moving forward.

The Pisces Full Moon can definitely stir up our emotions and trigger feelings of sensitivity. We may feel extra empathic too, this is a good thing as long as any empaths remember that we are overly sensitive and subjected to the energies of others. It is a good time protect oneself and recharge your energy.

As Pisces is a water sign, spending time near water or even taking a saltwater bath can be healing, cleanses the aura and is restorative. The Pisces Full Moon is great time to do a thorough smudge and energy clear out of our homes and ourselves. Spring energy is here, and a good spring clean on all levels is highly favored over this Lunation.

September offers some big energy shifts, and it feels this Pisces Full Moon will be a bright jewel, lighting our way, and preparing us for the closing of this ultra-transformative year.

Love and Blessings

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