The New Moon is sitting in the watery & intuitive sign of Pisces and connecting to our intuition and being guided by our souls/guides & inner knowing is just what this New Moon is all about. Pisces is also highly creative, so this is a great time for creative projects and ventures.
Pisces governs what’s hidden, the background, the past, and endings, so we may come to learn something that was unknown to us and sheds light on something important; we may feel more comfortable in the background and set things up as we ready for the energy of the next new moon in Aries; we may think more about the past and feel willing to move on without so much of the baggage weighing us down; and we may finish something important, see something through to the end, and come out of it feeling renewed. This can be a good time to construct healthy boundaries, and to gain some subconscious understanding.
The Pisces New Moon beckons us to dive deep into the ocean of our soul. Submerge into the great depths as if we are magnificent whales diving deeper & deeper into the ocean.
All of us should simply take a moment wherever we are and draw a deep breath. Sink into our inner selves. Pause and feel what it’s like to be in our bodies in this moment. Recognise that our body is more than 70 percent water. Recognise that while we have this density to our bodies within us is our own ocean. Within us is the same ocean that ebbs and flows with the cycle of the Moon. This is the watery depth this Pisces New Moon is asking us to enter.
The Pisces New Moon is asking us to take a dive to the bottom of the ocean within us, not to analyze, pick apart, or judge what is there, but to simply observe. To watch the memories, the pains, the dreams, and the triggers. To see them floating by like they are a part of us, but not really us! Just to witness them floating by on the gentle waves from inside our inner minds, no action, no judgment…just watching.
When we look back in time, we may feel as if certain events and memories were nothing more than a dream. But life is like that sometimes. It is only when you step outside it all for a moment, that you see the lines of reality are often blurred.
The magical harmony of the Pisces New Moon will guide us within, helping to open and unlock our intuition, our hidden depths and our creative potential.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so under this energy, we may also find ourselves feeling a sense of completion or reflecting on the journey we have traveled over the last 12 months.
Beyond the ethereal qualities of this watery Pisces New Moon, it also forms a configuration known as a Talent Triangle with Uranus and Mars.
Imagine the Moon at the apex and Uranus and Mars with their strong planetary forces, forming the base of this triangle. These three planets are interlocked, their energy flowing harmoniously back and forth, creating a portal of influence.
As the name suggests, this Talent Triangle will guide us to unlock our talents and natural gifts. If there is something we have wanted to try or a hidden gift waiting to be unearthed, this configuration will be the key that opens the door.
This energy will inspire us to feel motivated, confident, and ready to step out of our comfort zones into new beginnings. It will beam down rays that remind us that our dreams can indeed become reality.
Mars will drive our ambition and remind us that we are worthy. It will support us to release our fears and to know we are so much stronger than we have ever believed ourselves to be.
Uranus will drive our feelings of freedom and independence. It will support us to take a leap of faith and to step out of any imposed cages or walls we have built around ourselves.
We all have things we are naturally gifted at, but sometimes it is hard for us to see them in ourselves. Sometimes it is really all just about stepping out and having a go at something that inspires us & the creative juices can begin to flow.
New Moons are a wonderful time to embrace the new, however with Mercury in Retrograde and the strong Piscean vibes, we may not be able to put our finger on this new beginning just yet. Something will be unlocked for us under this New Moon energy, but we will have to be patient and give it some time to take root and begin the grow.
That’s ok, it will become clearer, there is that little tune again…just go with the flow! During this Piscean New Moon one of the best things we can do is to clear space to receive intuitive energy and be open to diving into a deeper truth.
Love and Blessings ♥♥♥