Sagittarius Full Moon ♥

Monday the 17th of June we have a Full Moon falling in the fiery and adventurous sign of Sagittarius. Sitting just degrees away from the Galactic Center, this Full Moon is going to amplify, upgrade and raise the frequency on the planet.

All of us, for the days surrounding the Full Moon, are going to have the opportunity to shift into a higher frequency and higher vibration. All of us are going to have the opportunity to tap into higher realms and to explore the height of our creativity.

This is a dreamy Full Moon that will amplify our intuitive gifts and allow us to unlock the wisdom we already have inside of us.

We may forget, but everything we need, every piece of the puzzle is within us, and on a Full Moon like this, it will be easier for us to remember and gain access our inner wisdom.

Under the light of this Full Moon, we are going to be reminded to spend time with our soul and to nurture ourselves exactly as we are. We don’t need healing, we don’t need fixing, we just need loving.

While there is this beautiful intuitive, creative, and dreamy energy surrounding this Full Moon, it also has a fiery quality too.

Sagittarius, is of course, a fire sign, but there are other energies in the cosmos that contribute to this as well. One being, the Sagi Full Moon’s aspect to Retrograding Jupiter, which means we can all expect a bit of extra fuel on the emotional fire. Whatever feelings are getting stirred up for us, the volume on them is going to be cranked right up….and it’s likely we’ll be a little extra revved up about expressing them.

All through this month there has been this focus on speaking our truth. There has been a focus on learning to rise up from the darkness and the walls we have created, and step into a more authentic place where we can own who we are…. baggage and all.

Speaking our truth is not about being judgmental or using our ego to create more shame or blame in the world. Instead, it is about getting to the core of our soul. It is about uncovering the masks and finding the freedom and the love to be true to ourselves in all situations, no matter how difficult or challenging.

If there is an area of our lives that we need to be more truthful in, if there is an area of our lives that we need to be more honest with ourselves about, the fiery quality of this Full Moon is going to give us the confidence and spark we need to face up to it and stand in our truth.

We cannot let fear run our lives. We cannot put off doing things, or avoid the life that was destined for us because we are afraid of sharing who we are with the world.

We cannot dim our own light; we cannot allow ourselves to shrink down to avoid being seen.

Under the light of this Full Moon, we need to remember the fire within. We need to remember that we hold the bow and arrow, and we have the power and potential to hit our mark as long as we take aim and trust the way the wind blows.

Neptune in Pisces is factoring into this Full Moon too, casting his spell and blurring the lines of fantasy and reality. Neptune can help us tune in to valuable messages from our intuition, but he also makes it easier to tune out truths we don’t want to hear. This is not a time to burry our heads in the sand, we must face up to the real truth within us all..

The truth is out there and within…. with the curious Gemini Sun opposing the adventurous Sagi Moon, we won’t want to rest until we find it! But Sagi’s uninhibited enthusiasm could make us a little fanatical about the answers we discover. If you catch yourself in fundamentalist mode, trying to convert all the “nonbelievers,” you might want to stop and ask yourself why everyone needs to think like you.

Full Moons are always a point of release, so something often needs to be let go of when we reach this time in the month. We may be feeling this even more so this month, as this is the last Full Moon before Eclipse Season begins.

The July Eclipse Season has a potency to it, which means that this June Full Moon is a chance for us to prepare ourselves for what’s to come. Pay attention to any signs, clues, or triggers that are presented at this time, as they may come back around to be resolved and cleared once and for all in July.

You may also want to think back to what was happening in your life around the end of January 2019, as events from this time may also come back around to be cleared and worked through.

Making the time to ground, write, meditate, and do ritual work around this Full Moon will be a great way to begin getting ready for the magical Eclipses.

Overall, the June Full Moon will be lighting the fire within and guiding our way forward through the coming Eclipse Season. It will be encouraging us to peel back the layers to uncover our truth, and to trust our intuition and dreams. There is some feistiness to this Full Moon with the possibility of disagreements getting pretty heated. We can save ourselves (and each other) a lot of trouble by choosing our battles wisely!

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

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