The Gateway Planets; Jupiter and Saturn are on the move; both are entering the Air sign of Aquarius this week! The Capricorn Stellium will finally be over!
With Jupiter and Saturn both changing signs, they are also going to align in a conjunction on December 21st. This is the first time they’ve come together in 20 years.
This conjunction is called the Great Conjunction (which occurs every 20 years or so; and I was reminded this is also the Great Mutation, which is another astro event that occurs every 200 years!).
First and foremost, we will feel focused on the future! Aquarius rules the future, and we’re looking to move forward toward the new and different.
Change is likely on the mind, and we want to make changes with the traditional and embrace the unconventional. We can be more independent, innovative, and idealistic.
Aquarius doesn’t want things to “go back to the way they were”, to “return to the status quo”.
Aquarius wants to shake things up and flip everything around. It is ruled by planet of change Uranus, after all! But with Saturn in play, we need to do this the right way.
We can’t be all impulsive and haphazard about it. We need to do our homework, think it through, come up with some semblance of a plan, and be logical.
On a personal level, this energy is focused on the areas of life ruled by the house the conjunction occurs in your natal chart, so search for where 0 degrees Aquarius falls for you It’ll be strongest if it aspects anything in your natal chart.
Saturn the planet of rules, regulations, and responsibilities. It is also known as the Lord of Karma.
It is important to note however, that karma is not about punishment, rather we can look at it as fuel for the growth of our soul.
The water bearer is the healer for the collective. It is focused on community, humanitarianism, and doing what is best for the highest good of all.
On the surface level, as Saturn moves through the sign of the water-bearer, we are likely to notice technological advancements, improvements to humanitarian efforts, and a focus on community.
We may see artificial intelligence take-off and perhaps other high-tech innovations that we are yet to even fathom.
Aquarius energy can also help unlock the inner healer in us and make us more accepting towards people who don’t conform to the status quo. There could also be a bigger push for greater equality.
On deeper levels, Saturn moving through Aquarius can guide us to challenge our own personal identity and our reason for doing things.
Jupiter expands whatever it touches, so whenever Jupiter is active in our cosmic skies, what we are choosing to focus on has the power to expand.
Jupiter expands things so we can see with a new clarity and with a new light. It grants us the awareness to look at things differently and to make changes accordingly.
Whenever we feel stuck or unsure, it is Jupiter’s energy that helps us to soar above it all and to look at the situation from a birdseye view.
Sometimes getting this clarity is what can help us to move from a rigid, stuck mindset, into a more open one.
As Aquarius is a sign that rules over innovation and doing things in a unique way, we may find that 2021 really calls for us to take a new approach.
The old ways of doing things, the tried and true traditions of the past, may just not be enough anymore.
Love and Blessings ♥♥♥