Thursday the 7th of May brings us the third and last Super Full Moon of the year in the water sign of Scorpio. Scorpio Full Moons have an intensity about them and offer us a chance of great transformation, they are endings and beginnings like the scorpion/phoenix symbolism of Scorpio, the cycle of death, rebirth, transformation… from the ashes the phoenix rises.
This Scorpio Super Full Moon guides us to honor the beauty of endings. It is highly cleansing and detoxifying and will be preparing us for the Winter Eclipse season that follows.
We may feel extra sensitive and a little moody, and just like the scorpion, we may be tempted to lash out with that stinger! Watching & observing our emotions is important, honour our feelings but watch that temper, Scorpion stings hurt deeply.
As the third and last Super Moon of the year, we are going to feel our emotions and thoughts bubbling up and flowing out of us.
The Scorpio Full Moon is very cleansing and can assist in drawing things out that are no longer serving, that are holding us down, or making us feel stuck.
If we give in to our feelings, if we allow ourselves time to process how we feel, when they come to pass, we can experience a release, like a weight has been lifted. The Scorpio Full Moon is always a special one as it signifies that transformation is always possible.
Just like the scorpion sheds its skin, we too can start again. We too, can transform ourselves simply by making different choices and thinking different thoughts. No matter what our own zodiac sign is, we can all use some of this Scorpio wisdom to bring transformation and to make changes in our lives if that is what is needed.
Full Moons tend to make us purge and release things from our lives, so we need to make sure that we are in control of this and no one is forcing our hand! Sometimes we can let go of things that we regret later, due to heightened emotions and the Full Moon’s impulsivity.’ The bright light of the Sun throws a spotlight on our subconscious and our shadow. This can feel uncomfortable as the Sun blasts out the nasties who have nowhere to hide.
The veils between the worlds are thinnest around a Full Moon, so we need to be very careful what we invite in. Instead, the Full Moon is best used to purge things out. We need to make sure we close the door firmly afterwards and make sure we are completely grounded and fully in control of the process.
If in doubt, lie low and protect yourself. Envision a strong orb of brilliant golden light around your body for extra protection. In saying that, Scorpio energy is highly intuitive and also very protective, so we can also use this energy to tune into our intuition and tap into the extra protection for our energy fields.
We have spent so much time these last few months focusing on sanitizing everything around us and looking after our physical health, let us also remember to turn our attention to our energetic health by cleansing our aura and the energy of our space around us.
Get out the smudge sticks, bells, crystal bowls, whatever you use and give our homes, spaces and selves a good energetic cleanse. Envision pure violet light pulsing through our bodies clearing stuck energy and refill ourselves with pure white light.
Although Scorpio Full Moons have the intensity and heightened emotional factors this Scorpio Super Full Moon has a spiritual, healing and compassionate influence because of Mercury’s aspect to Neptune.
This aspect will make us and others generally more sympathetic and understanding. It will make us more sensitive true…but also better able to understand any conflicting emotions. The healing and compassion flag will fly high during this Full Moon phase.
Sure, misunderstandings and arguments are possible but the harmonious aspect to Neptune reduces these risks. This is a good Full Moon for spending quiet time in reflection or talking with a close friend about our inner feelings which we feel may be holding us back in some way.
Emotions are heightened but so are imagination, and creativity. Increased intuition and psychic awareness will help us to understand our feelings. This reduces anxiety and makes misunderstanding less likely. And if disagreements do occur, this harmonious, compassionate and spiritual influence encourages compromise, cooperation, and forgiveness.
Friends may come to us for comforting or a shoulder to cry on. Our caring, sympathetic sides will be enhanced so this is a good Full Moon to be of service to our loved ones and also the wider community.
All of us will still be extremely sensitive to all vibrational energy from other people and the environment. But we can really trust our gut feelings, intuition and psychic abilities during this Scorpio Super Full Moon. We may receive spiritual information through dreams, meditation, our spirit guides, or through chance encounters.
This is a fabulous Full Moon for creative pursuits like literature, poetry, drama, singing, art, design, gardening and whatever fuels our creative fire. It is also good for relaxation, movies, yoga, astrology, tarot, lucid dreaming, and meditation.
As Autumn comes to a close this month and we tap into La Luna’s energy on the night of the last Super Moon of the year, we are reminded through Scorpio that the cycle of death and transformation is important for all of us to move forward, so let’s all look for the beauty in whatever endings have come our way.
Make peace through grieving, letting go, through allowing, and by honoring the new beginning that has now been paved for each of us.
Just like the rich colors of autumn, just like the stunning sunsets that we have been experiencing, we too can find the beauty in endings… and then the morning rises on a bright new day and journey on the road ahead.
Love and Blessings ♥♥♥
Beautiful and intuitive as always ♡ Thank you ??