Taurus New Moon ♥

Sunday the 5th of May we have a New Moon falling in the Earth sign of Taurus. May in general is a slower paced month that asks us to reflect and assess the quality of our lives and to think about the direction we are heading in. This energy is amplified around the New Moon and the days following.

Under the dark night of this New Moon, we are going to be encouraged to review our day to day routine to see where we can create more love, more joy, and more support.

The Taurus New Moon is also going to be inspiring us to create healthy habits, especially when it comes to our diet and exercise routines. Taurus reminds us to get out into the fresh air, grounding ourselves with the Earth as well as focusing on gratitude in our day to day lives which will evoke more inner peace and more balance.

The Taurus New Moon also finds us at a crossroads, between a place we no longer belong and an unknown future calling us forward. In the last few years, much has changed, and what we had envisioned for ourselves has changed. Our roots want something secure, a foundation that we can rely upon when the storms of life rage. Our hearts at times have been split in two and pulled in different directions, as we want something that feeds our soul as well.

Taurus tells us to release our stubborn ego, the part of ourselves that clings to outdated expectations and plans and open to the authentic and the truth. This can be hard as we have become accustomed to seeing things in a certain light, but Taurus reminds us that there are great challenges and transformation ahead in the coming months as we enter Eclipse Season over Winter.

This is a time of setting our focus on what we want to create and making a game plan to get us there.

Love and finances are highlighted under this New Moon. This is a good time to take care of our affairs and get money matters in order. Venus, ruler of Taurus, whispers that we need to put some focus on our partnerships too as Taurus is a sensual sign.

Where we put energy… we will see growth. This can also mean we need to see where things have grown stagnant, and ask ourselves if this is the level of nourishment that we wish for in the future. The Taurus New Moon asks us to look at making positive changes for ourselves in our health, our relationships and also remember to play and find joy in every moment.

When we start thinking about the positive changes we can make in our lives, we have to be mindful they don’t come from a feeling of not being good enough or are coming from a place where what we think we should be doing.

While it is great to be inspired by others and to be motivated by the habits and lifestyle choices of others, we have to remember who we are as an individual, and not get caught up in trying to use other people as a signpost for our own lives.

The most important thing is that we are happy with our choices and the way our life looks and feels on its own. When we begin comparing our life to others, it can make us feel that we are doing something wrong or that we should be doing something different.

Keep this in mind when moving through the energy of the Taurus New Moon. When creating healthy, new, and refreshing habits we need to do so because they make sense to each of us! This is a time not to compare and instead look at our lives truthfully through your own eyes.

If we can look around and be happy with what we see and feel, then that is all that matters. And if we can’t, and if we see things we want to change, know that we always have the power to change things right now.

The first step with bringing positive change into our life is to focus on building up more of the good stuff rather than getting bogged down in what is not working.

While we may need to let something go or take forward moving action, very often, the more we focus on gratitude and finding joy in the small moments, the more our life starts to take shape. We all need to be grateful for the smaller, more precious moments that greet us throughout the day.

We need to remember not to get caught up in only chasing grand moments and thinking our lives have to be a string of big successes. Instead, focus on finding joy in the simpler things.

Focus on the small stuff, find gratitude and play in the small stuff, and by focusing our attention here, this is how we begin to create a peaceful and balanced life.

New Moons always bring new beginnings so if it’s time to make a fresh start or a fresh approach, ask to be guided, watch for the signs. Taurus is connected strongly to the Earth, so take time to be in nature grounding and watching for the elementals signs of animals as they can show us many things… watch what inspiration greets us under the influence of this beautiful Taurus Moon.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

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