Cancer New Moon ~ Solar Eclipse ♥

Tuesday the 2nd of July begins the first of three powerful Eclipses. The first falls with the New Moon in Cancer and it is a total Solar Eclipse.

Most of the Eclipse will cross over the ocean between Australia and South America but it will be visible from small parts of Chile and Argentina just before sunset. Some regions in the Pacific and in South America, including locations in Ecuador, Brazil, Uruguay, and Paraguay will see a partial solar eclipse

When a Solar Eclipse occurs, whether it is visible or not, it is a powerful time to work with our physical world, our surroundings and our material circumstances. This can bring about big changes in our environment, where we live, our abundance, our identity, our relationships and our personal power.

Eclipses are a powerful time for beginnings and sudden endings.  Solar Eclipses are powerful energy for creating great change in our lives. The theme for the Solar Eclipses is Metamorphosis. It creates an alchemy of complete transformation. 

Making changes will definitely be amplified around this Eclipse. Opportunities will be knocking, so it’s the perfect time to stay open minded!

As this Eclipse falls in Cancer, we may also notice our home and family life becoming a priority. We may notice issues in this area or feel a pull between looking after ourselves and putting our needs first and caring for others, as well as the commitments we might have made to others.

We may also feel a desire to set new boundaries in place or make changes that allow us to focus on giving ourselves more self-love and self-care.

Cancer is also the sign of the Great Mother and while not all of us are lucky enough to know what it’s like to be cared for, nurtured, and loved by our mother, we all have the power within to care for, nurture, and love ourselves.

We all have the power to stand up for what we need and to honor the nurturing, intuitive, and loving parts of ourselves.

Cancer energy is all about this, so if you haven’t been looking after yourself, if you have been burning the candle at both ends, or ignoring the call of your heart, this Eclipse may bring a much needed wake-up call.

This Cancer New Moon Eclipse may bring some disruption to our normal routines, as The Moon blocks the Suns light, we hang in a suspended space disrupted from the light from our star. As with all New Moon Eclipses, it is a very intense time. But this one is bringing us a cosmic shake up, potentially a great storm into our lives. We may be seeing a lot shifting right now, things we may not understand or is hidden just beyond the veil. 

This New Moon reminds us that we have the ability to deal with the difficult. We are capable and able to do anything. However, that doesn’t mean that we should put up with what isn’t in our best interests. This can mean simply that we are ‘done’ with certain situations and we need to walk away from toxic people and our own outdated beliefs, get off the merry go round kids! The time has come to walk away from what sucks us dry emotionally, mentally and physically. We must remember our inner strength and focus instead on our dreams and hopes for the future.  

Beware of obsession and mental exhaustion during this New Moon Eclipse as we are heavily influenced by the Eclipse Cycle and the Mercury Retrograde which is going to be causing a lot of mental activity. This can lead to obsession, being drained, overthinking and judging.  

This New Moon warns of potential suffering at the hands of a dark presence, a shadow figure which may impose into our lives. Pay attention for any figures which are attempting to guilt, manipulate, undermine or trick you.  Our intuitions is high during this time, so we need to tap in… especially when things/people feel a bit phony or iffy.

While Eclipses can be a bit full on shaking us up. Down and around they are also wonderful gateways of change. They are points in the year where the Universe can intervene to put us on track with our lives and where we need to be heading.

The type of events that fall around an Eclipse are believed to be fated and help us to align with our life journey, our purpose, and our higher calling.

While this Eclipse is all about opportunity, the Universe may need us to first clear the way to allow these opportunities to reach us.

We shouldn’t be afraid to make changes in our lives. Or be afraid to shake up our normal routines a bit, it’s time to set boundaries or stand up for ourselves and what it is that we need.

Doing so can be scary at first, but sometimes it takes that first courageous step so we can start creating more of what we want in our lives.

If issues flare up for any of us around this Eclipse, a couple of good questions we can ask ourselves is. Where do I want to be sitting in this scenario?  Who do I want to be in this situation?

Often when we ask ourselves these questions, we tend to get more truthful with ourselves and figure out what actions, thoughts, and words are aligned with the type of person/situation we are facing, and the type of reality we really wish to create.

The themes and lessons of this Eclipse are also closely connected back to the Eclipses of January, so it’s a good time to think back to this time and see what themes we were working with then and how we have grown since this time, or if we have more work to do.

As this Solar Eclipse is like a supercharged New Moon with plenty of opportunity and inspiration around it, we also need to take a moment to set an intention, a new goal or think about what we desire as we move forward on our journeys.

Eclipses move and shake us. They put us where we need to be, and this Eclipse is going to open that doorway, it is just up to us to take the first step and walk through it.

The energy is here for a fresh start, to shift our focus onto ourselves and be more nurturing to ourselves. Not to be selfish however, but to consider who we are or what role we are playing on the stage at the moment. Is it true to us, is it what we want, is good for us on all levels? The Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse will bring us plenty of opportunities, we just need to stand up and open the door.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

Neptune Retrograde ♥

“when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Wayne Dwyer

Just a few hours before the Winter Solstice last weekend, Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, and higher consciousness slipped into retrograde.

Neptune will retrograde in its ruling sign of Pisces until November 27th, bringing new  understandings, awakenings and hidden truths up to the surface. This Neptunian energy  can help us step out of our reality for just a moment so we can see things from a new point of view.

As Neptune is in its ruling sign of Pisces, we get the real and raw version of its energy. We get Neptune at its best and fullest potential, and if we pay attention, we are going to be able to use this energy to really make some big shifts in our lives.

While Neptune will be retrograde for the next few months, it is highly active now and is going to be making sure that we listen and pay attention to the knowledge and wisdom it wishes to share with us.

Neptune is watery and dreamy. It is the thin veil between this world and the next, between reality and illusion.

When Neptune energy is strong, it allows us to peel back the veil, to look beyond the barriers so we can find a new truth, a new understanding, and a new way of thinking.  Neptune energy can also move us to live in the land of illusion, of dreamy fairy tales, diving under the blankets and escape our own true reality.  It’s will be interesting balancing act for us all.

Neptune wants us to tap into a higher consciousness and delve into the heart of our Spirit. It wants to remind us that there is no separation, that the stories we tell ourselves are sometime illusionary and that things are not always what they seem.

Neptune beckons us to escape, to enter into a new reality so we can make sense of the current one. It wants us to shed the veil, shed the illusion, and journey into the other side of the mist, step into the mystical forest… yet remain grounded and not spin off to la la land.

While Neptune has this dreamy, ethereal quality, when in retrograde we are really going to be able to tune in and focus to see what Neptune is trying to show us.

We are going to be able to look past what we have always believed and uncover something deeper that will change our reality.

Events both big and small are often a trigger for us to change who we are, thereby changing our reality.

We can all think of an event that changed us. An event that made us see reality from a different point of view. We remember this event made us wiser, more vulnerable, more open, more fearless, or perhaps even more fearful. Some were very painful, some were amazingly wonderful experiences.

Think about the transformation that came from this event, and acknowledge how just one split second, one phone call, one decision, one impulse changed the course of your entire life.

While events help to shift our reality, we don’t need an event to be our trigger. In fact, we can begin shifting our reality right now.

Shifting our reality begins in our minds. It begins with what we believe, it begins with the thoughts we tell ourselves.

This is not about deluding ourselves and pretending that everything is roses, flying around on our unicorns chasing rainbows, but it’s about choosing to align with the best thought, or the action that feels the best to us.

There are many ways to see and read into things around us, so why not choose to see them in a way that lifts our spirits? See things in a positive light even if the fight was traumatic or painful to get here.

Neptune allows us to shift our perception, and while in retrograde, it is going to be guiding us to see where we may need to change our way of thinking, or dissolve beliefs and dreams we once thought were our truth.

While in retrograde, Neptune allows us to peer through the fog and the mist one last time so we can take another look at what it’s trying to show us.

It’s a chance for us to see into the truth of what has unfolded in our lives over the last few months, and to work out what we wish to take into our reality and what we wish to leave behind.

Neptune Retrograde allows us to remove our rose-colored glasses or our glasses of judgment, if we are willing, and peer into another truth. Whether we have been looking at the glass half full or half empty, Neptune allows the glass to be dissolved so we can peer into what is left there.

Neptune Retrograde will be felt most strongly now, and then it will slip into the background, joining Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn which are all currently in retrograde too.

Having so many slow-moving planets in retrograde over the coming months means that we are all being given the opportunity to slow down, retreat within, dive into our caves and to think about the choices and decisions we are making.

It is our time to reflect before moving forward. It is our time to return to our spirit, to our truth, to the heart of what we know, and ensure we are moving from a place of authenticity.

Deep down we know who we are. We know the actions and beliefs that serve us and that don’t… and Neptune is here now to be our guide… ♥

Winter Solstice June 2019 ♥

Saturday the 22nd we usher in the Winter Solstice in Australia, just days after the Sagittarian Full Moon. The Sagittarian Full Moon was the Gateway Opening to the Winter Eclipses with the first eclipse beginning on the 2nd of July. There is a lot coming up over the next few weeks so taking a respite of reflection within during the Winter Solstice is just what we all need.

Winter Solstice also celebrated as Yule is the rebirth of the Sun, it is an important turning point in our planets cycle around the Sun, as it marks the shortest day, when the hours of daylight are at their least and the Sun appears to stand still. The word “solstice” means “the standing of the sun”. It is also the beginning of the increase in the hours of daylight, up until the Summer Solstice in December. At Winter Solstice, the sun returns to its waxing journey through the sky, offering hope for the coming months where light will once again reign and provide warmth and sustenance.

Winter Solstice brings with it the increase of hope, abundance and the promise of growth that is to come after we journey through the depths of the dark cycle of the year and through our own internal shadows. 

During this time, there is much celebration of the upcoming season, of moving into the direction of the possibility and of celebrating the lessons that have come into our life during the shadow time as we peel back the layers that no longer fit us. 

The Winter Solstice is a time of inward reflection and digging deep to find what it is that we are wanting to bring into our future. When we move through shadowlands, we have the ability to have an increase in clarity as to what we are wanting to have be our reality in the future. 

This is a time of journeying within, of moving into the shadows and finding the deepest truth that lives inside. During the Winter Solstice, we move through the shadows and into a time of rebirth and renewal

Yule is represented by the symbol of a wheel, conveying the idea of the year turning like a wheel, The Great Wheel of the Zodiac, The Wheel of Life. The spokes of the wheel are the points of the old festivals of the year, the Solstices and Equinoxes.

Yule is deeply rooted in the cycle of the year, it is the seed time of year, the longest night and the shortest day, where the Goddess once again becomes the Great Mother and gives birth to the new Sun King. In a poetic sense it is on this the longest night of the winter, ‘the dark night of our souls’, that there springs the new spark of hope, the Sacred Fire, the Light of the World..

Fire festivals, celebrating the rebirth of the Sun, held on the Winter’s Solstice can be found throughout the ancient world. Unlike the more public outdoor festival of the Summer Solstice, Yule lends itself to a more private and domestic celebration. Yet like its midsummer counterpart, is strongly associated with fertility and the continuation of life. Here the Goddess is in her dark aspect, as ‘She Who Cuts The Thread’ or ‘Our Lady in Darkness’, calling back the Sun God. Yet, at the same time, she is in the process of giving birth to her Son-Lover who will re-fertilise her and the Earth, bringing back the light and warmth to the world.

Metaphorically it is said we are born again at Yule/Winter Solstice, coming out of the shadow and the dark void, with the birth of the Sun, we are born into our divine nature. We are the light. We are on a journey, just like the Moon and the Sun, cycling through the seasons…living, dying and re-birthing, finding meaning as we journey here on Earth.

Winter Solstice Blessings to all ♥

For Simple Winter Solstice Rituals follow this link…

Sagittarius Full Moon ♥

Monday the 17th of June we have a Full Moon falling in the fiery and adventurous sign of Sagittarius. Sitting just degrees away from the Galactic Center, this Full Moon is going to amplify, upgrade and raise the frequency on the planet.

All of us, for the days surrounding the Full Moon, are going to have the opportunity to shift into a higher frequency and higher vibration. All of us are going to have the opportunity to tap into higher realms and to explore the height of our creativity.

This is a dreamy Full Moon that will amplify our intuitive gifts and allow us to unlock the wisdom we already have inside of us.

We may forget, but everything we need, every piece of the puzzle is within us, and on a Full Moon like this, it will be easier for us to remember and gain access our inner wisdom.

Under the light of this Full Moon, we are going to be reminded to spend time with our soul and to nurture ourselves exactly as we are. We don’t need healing, we don’t need fixing, we just need loving.

While there is this beautiful intuitive, creative, and dreamy energy surrounding this Full Moon, it also has a fiery quality too.

Sagittarius, is of course, a fire sign, but there are other energies in the cosmos that contribute to this as well. One being, the Sagi Full Moon’s aspect to Retrograding Jupiter, which means we can all expect a bit of extra fuel on the emotional fire. Whatever feelings are getting stirred up for us, the volume on them is going to be cranked right up….and it’s likely we’ll be a little extra revved up about expressing them.

All through this month there has been this focus on speaking our truth. There has been a focus on learning to rise up from the darkness and the walls we have created, and step into a more authentic place where we can own who we are…. baggage and all.

Speaking our truth is not about being judgmental or using our ego to create more shame or blame in the world. Instead, it is about getting to the core of our soul. It is about uncovering the masks and finding the freedom and the love to be true to ourselves in all situations, no matter how difficult or challenging.

If there is an area of our lives that we need to be more truthful in, if there is an area of our lives that we need to be more honest with ourselves about, the fiery quality of this Full Moon is going to give us the confidence and spark we need to face up to it and stand in our truth.

We cannot let fear run our lives. We cannot put off doing things, or avoid the life that was destined for us because we are afraid of sharing who we are with the world.

We cannot dim our own light; we cannot allow ourselves to shrink down to avoid being seen.

Under the light of this Full Moon, we need to remember the fire within. We need to remember that we hold the bow and arrow, and we have the power and potential to hit our mark as long as we take aim and trust the way the wind blows.

Neptune in Pisces is factoring into this Full Moon too, casting his spell and blurring the lines of fantasy and reality. Neptune can help us tune in to valuable messages from our intuition, but he also makes it easier to tune out truths we don’t want to hear. This is not a time to burry our heads in the sand, we must face up to the real truth within us all..

The truth is out there and within…. with the curious Gemini Sun opposing the adventurous Sagi Moon, we won’t want to rest until we find it! But Sagi’s uninhibited enthusiasm could make us a little fanatical about the answers we discover. If you catch yourself in fundamentalist mode, trying to convert all the “nonbelievers,” you might want to stop and ask yourself why everyone needs to think like you.

Full Moons are always a point of release, so something often needs to be let go of when we reach this time in the month. We may be feeling this even more so this month, as this is the last Full Moon before Eclipse Season begins.

The July Eclipse Season has a potency to it, which means that this June Full Moon is a chance for us to prepare ourselves for what’s to come. Pay attention to any signs, clues, or triggers that are presented at this time, as they may come back around to be resolved and cleared once and for all in July.

You may also want to think back to what was happening in your life around the end of January 2019, as events from this time may also come back around to be cleared and worked through.

Making the time to ground, write, meditate, and do ritual work around this Full Moon will be a great way to begin getting ready for the magical Eclipses.

Overall, the June Full Moon will be lighting the fire within and guiding our way forward through the coming Eclipse Season. It will be encouraging us to peel back the layers to uncover our truth, and to trust our intuition and dreams. There is some feistiness to this Full Moon with the possibility of disagreements getting pretty heated. We can save ourselves (and each other) a lot of trouble by choosing our battles wisely!

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

Gemini New Moon ♥

Monday the 3rd of June, we have a New Moon falling in the air sign of Gemini. As always, the New Moon is a powerful time for beginnings. Gemini is ruled by the planet of communication… Mercury… and this New Moon is supercharged with information and communication. Ideas and inspirations can flow easily under this Dark Moon.

The New Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon align at the exact same
position in the sky. This results in the Moon being hidden away, which brings a darkness to the night.

When the Moon and the Sun join hands, they rebirth each other and begin a new cycle. This new cycle holds the promise of growth, empowerment, and change. This new cycle is the opportunity we have to rebuild ourselves and to begin again. We cannot see the New Moon but on a soul level, the energy is working us, recharging us, and helping us to draw in what it is that we want from our lives.

New Moons draw things to us, which is why it is a powerful and potent time for manifesting, visualising, and setting intentions for the month to come.

Solutions to issues can come forward now, allow them, let them come, don’t force them. We are seeing the possibility that can exist. This is a powerful time for optimism and for looking ahead with a renewed sense of adventure.

Remember that we are all in charge of our destiny, and now is the time to rise above the old ways and limitations of the past that no longer fit.

During this Moon we feel deeply the desire for “better”. We feel where we wish for relationships that resonate deeper, for better jobs or for the ability to follow our dreams.

This is a time of expansion, and with the Eclipse gateway opening in two weeks during the Full Moon, we are reminded to get clear on what we want. These things we desire are possible. We can accomplish anything one step at a time.
This is a time to pay attention to where our focus is going and keep it on the areas that are of most importance.

Now is a time to take some time to have fun under this New Moon, as Gemini likes to have some fun and take a break from everyday routines which can make us stagnant.

Indecision can cause some frustration during this Moon, as can getting stuck in our heads and thinking too much.

There can be a tendency to fall into a victimized way of thinking which can hinder forward movement.
Watch also for jealousy that can rise and paralyze our truth.

This New Moon is drawing us to get clear on what our truth is and to work on expressing how we really feel.

Under the darkness of this New Moon, we are also going to feel motivated to take action in some area of our lives.

While New Moons often cause us to retreat within and into the shadows of our own heart and soul, this New Moon is really championing us to take initiative and get things done.

There might be things in our lives that crop up around the Gemini New Moon that encourage us to act, make a decision, or put our foot down.

We may also have to step up and take responsibility for what we want. If there is something we wish to communicate or speak up about, the New Moon will be supporting us to find our courage and strength.

While the Gemini New Moon is wonderful for all forms of self-expression and communication, we also have to be mindful of how we choose to communicate and what truths we wish to share with others.

Communication is an art form and involves a lot of listening. Very often, we listen just to respond or we get so wrapped up in what we are thinking and feeling that we forget to really pay attention to what the other person is saying.

When we are not present in the moment, when we don’t give the person in front of us our undivided attention, it makes effective or mindful communication a lot harder to achieve.

While we can’t force someone to listen to us or even understand us, we can lead by example by learning to really listen to the clues and signs around us.

By listening and observing, it also allows more room for our other senses to kick in, especially our intuitive senses which are sometimes quieter and softer than our mind.

We are not just limited to our five senses. Within us, we have the power and potential to tap into other more ethereal senses such as our intuitive sense, our psychic sense, our telepathic sense, and more.

We always have these abilities on offer to us, but under the Gemini New Moon, they will be heightened, sharpened and easier for us to work with.

Take a moment to think about how you can listen more, whether it is listening to your clients, your friends, your family, or the Universe. Listening may just present that missing piece or the answers you’ve been looking for.

In fact, if something has been troubling you, think about where you can afford to listen more. Where can you afford to tune into your intuition and trust the wisdom and knowledge that arises?

If we want to communicate effectively, if we want to get to the truth of something, we first have to learn how to really listen.

Under the dark New Moon of June, don’t hide away from your true power. Don’t squash down your emotions or ignore the gentle pulls and nudges of your heart.

Use this energy to rise up, to speak up, and to stand up for all you believe in. Use this energy to take action and to take responsibility for the world you wish to create and the reality you wish to walk in.

We are not on this planet alone. Making connections, sharing our stories, listening to other stories, has always been the foundation of society and of humanity. Let’s get back to that. Let’s get back to storytime and open up about our journey, who we are, and what inspires us.

Let us all find the confidence to share our truth, to talk about our weaknesses and our strengths, and to celebrate the stories of others, for sharing and listening is how we inspire, grow, and change the world.

Love and Blessings for the Gemini New Moon ♥ ♥ ♥

Scorpio Moon ♥

Sunday the 19th of May we have a Full Moon falling in the water sign of Scorpio. Traditionally, the Scorpio Full Moon is considered one of the most powerful for releasing, cleansing, and transforming our lives. This is because Scorpio is the sign that rules over death, rebirth, and transformation.

The Scorpio Full Moon calls to the destiny deep within our core, the sleeping visions that dance within our soul. These dreams and ideas that bubble beneath the surface are ready for our attention, to focus on them and help them to grow. We may not be ready to share them with the world, but Scorpio reminds us to nourish these sleeping desires, as they are ready to be nurtured. 

Scorpio is the sign of the mystic, the underworld, the unknown and the unseen. Scorpio Full Moons can be intense, as can the scorpion be when on the hunt or attack. Some heightened emotions will be at play and possibly some trickery, deception and inner turmoil may fizz at the sides but… Scorpio is bound to bring us all great transformation in one way or another.

We are being asked to trust in the future destiny that we feel calling to us, even if it is in the unseen. we are all going to be beckoned to think about where we can peel back the layers to reveal more of our true authentic selves.

With the Winter Eclipse Season beginning in June, we are being asked to focus on only what is most important. Soul-deep relationships are highlighted during this Moon, showing us the areas, we want to move deeper or expand.  We may also find that it may be showing us where there are blocks or challenges that need to be dealt within these relationships.

Soul-deep relationships does not just mean romantic unions, soul relationships span way out further afield, through close friendships and family bonds. Scorpio can help bring things out of the darkness to be healed or released. During this Scorpio Full Moon, it is ideal to take some time to feel into and see what resonates with our destiny and with the path we plan for our future.  

All Full Moons are a powerful time of releasing and letting go, but the Scorpio Full Moon is a time where we can get deep with ourselves, and figure out what is holding us back, what is disturbing us, and what we need to clear in order to live to our fullest potential.

The Scorpio Full Moon has some deep questions for all of us to explore…What does it look like when we are living up to the fullest of our potential? What does it look like when we start really living from a space of true authenticity? Who do we become?

This is our exploration during this Full Moon, and while these questions are deep they most definitely will not all be answered in a day, but we can all begin to lay the foundations for the new beginnings and the answers under the Scorpion energy.

While this energy is asking us to think about our direction and the path we are walking on, we will be pushed to get deeper and real with this.

Scorpio also asks us to focus on our passions on what sets our souls on fire. Too much time has been spent pushing aside what we desire and focusing on the safe path. This Full Moon is shining its light on the places where our soul is calling to us, the areas which we need to pull up and out from the darkness and bring into the light.

Ours souls came to learn, to experience, to feel, to teach, but most importantly, our souls came for adventure. And it is up to us, to figure out what adventures we wish to take it on. It is up to us to take our soul on the ride of its life.

Deep down our souls knows that no matter the path, the choices, the actions, or the decisions we make, it is only what WE make of it that matters.

There are no wrong paths in this life. In fact, every experience both good, bad, big, or small is always nudging us back onto our path and journeys.

In this world, there are no wrong turns, just choices that we get to make every single day. Every day we get to decide about how we wish to see the world. Every day we get to decide if we are going to try something new or go back to the comfort of what we already know.

Neither is better than the other, it is all a choice that we all simply get to make. Life is full of choices, and no matter what we choose, we must remember… that it is all part of the adventure.

There is a heavy energy around this Full Moon that will be drawing us in and asking us to listen to the depths of our heart and soul. We are going to have to be gentle and patient with ourselves and allow the magic of the Moon to do its work.

Some planetary aspects to the Scorpio Full Moon will add a little zing in different areas of our lives…

The aspect between Venus and Uranus can bring some changes, especially to the areas of our relationships and finances. Unexpected shifts are possible in our connections with others, especially where things may be stuck in a boring routine. It’s time to shake things up and try something new.

Mercury’s aspect to Pluto is a very persuasive aspect and can make it a very good time to get people on board with ideas or to ask for favors. This may also be a time when we are influenced by the ideas or plans of others.

The Sun and Saturn fills us with determination, which can make this a powerful time to focus on our goals and plans. The Suns connection to Pluto adds to this energy, making us determined to succeed when it comes to our dreams and plans.

The Moon opposing Mercury can make this a hard time to connect with the right words to say when it comes to our feelings. We might want to wait until the energy clears to tell others how we are feeling. Communications may be a little off as we may be feeling rather emotional during this Scorpio full Moon. 

In summary… If we can all simply take a moment to get still, the Scorpio Full Moon will guide us to what we need to release, so we can become more of who we really are, free from the confines of society, of thoughts, and of expectations.

We all need to remember that we are more powerful, more beautiful, more successful, more intelligent, more wonderful than we give ourselves credit for… We are more in tune with our souls than we realise. So, we need to trust the wisdom, trust the still, quiet voice that emerges when we take time to really tune in.

The answers we seek are not outside of us, they are not necessarily big or majestic, the answers our hearts and souls give to us are the pure and simple truths that often get lost along the way.

The pure and simple truths of who we are, our purpose, our journeys, greet us in the everyday.

Our life is not really about the big stand out moments, it is about the small stuff that happens when we are busy making other plans.

When we focus on the small, the bigger things seem to take care of themselves. So, while we ponder our journeys and think about how to step into the fullness of our being, we just need to start with the smaller things.

Start with the everyday things, start with the things we spend the most time doing, and then we will see how that helps to slowly transform our worlds from the inside out.

In a world that is always focused on the having of more and more, we so easily overlook the magic of the every day. It is up to us to find the truth in this, and to find the miracles and gratitude in the everyday things.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

Taurus New Moon ♥

Sunday the 5th of May we have a New Moon falling in the Earth sign of Taurus. May in general is a slower paced month that asks us to reflect and assess the quality of our lives and to think about the direction we are heading in. This energy is amplified around the New Moon and the days following.

Under the dark night of this New Moon, we are going to be encouraged to review our day to day routine to see where we can create more love, more joy, and more support.

The Taurus New Moon is also going to be inspiring us to create healthy habits, especially when it comes to our diet and exercise routines. Taurus reminds us to get out into the fresh air, grounding ourselves with the Earth as well as focusing on gratitude in our day to day lives which will evoke more inner peace and more balance.

The Taurus New Moon also finds us at a crossroads, between a place we no longer belong and an unknown future calling us forward. In the last few years, much has changed, and what we had envisioned for ourselves has changed. Our roots want something secure, a foundation that we can rely upon when the storms of life rage. Our hearts at times have been split in two and pulled in different directions, as we want something that feeds our soul as well.

Taurus tells us to release our stubborn ego, the part of ourselves that clings to outdated expectations and plans and open to the authentic and the truth. This can be hard as we have become accustomed to seeing things in a certain light, but Taurus reminds us that there are great challenges and transformation ahead in the coming months as we enter Eclipse Season over Winter.

This is a time of setting our focus on what we want to create and making a game plan to get us there.

Love and finances are highlighted under this New Moon. This is a good time to take care of our affairs and get money matters in order. Venus, ruler of Taurus, whispers that we need to put some focus on our partnerships too as Taurus is a sensual sign.

Where we put energy… we will see growth. This can also mean we need to see where things have grown stagnant, and ask ourselves if this is the level of nourishment that we wish for in the future. The Taurus New Moon asks us to look at making positive changes for ourselves in our health, our relationships and also remember to play and find joy in every moment.

When we start thinking about the positive changes we can make in our lives, we have to be mindful they don’t come from a feeling of not being good enough or are coming from a place where what we think we should be doing.

While it is great to be inspired by others and to be motivated by the habits and lifestyle choices of others, we have to remember who we are as an individual, and not get caught up in trying to use other people as a signpost for our own lives.

The most important thing is that we are happy with our choices and the way our life looks and feels on its own. When we begin comparing our life to others, it can make us feel that we are doing something wrong or that we should be doing something different.

Keep this in mind when moving through the energy of the Taurus New Moon. When creating healthy, new, and refreshing habits we need to do so because they make sense to each of us! This is a time not to compare and instead look at our lives truthfully through your own eyes.

If we can look around and be happy with what we see and feel, then that is all that matters. And if we can’t, and if we see things we want to change, know that we always have the power to change things right now.

The first step with bringing positive change into our life is to focus on building up more of the good stuff rather than getting bogged down in what is not working.

While we may need to let something go or take forward moving action, very often, the more we focus on gratitude and finding joy in the small moments, the more our life starts to take shape. We all need to be grateful for the smaller, more precious moments that greet us throughout the day.

We need to remember not to get caught up in only chasing grand moments and thinking our lives have to be a string of big successes. Instead, focus on finding joy in the simpler things.

Focus on the small stuff, find gratitude and play in the small stuff, and by focusing our attention here, this is how we begin to create a peaceful and balanced life.

New Moons always bring new beginnings so if it’s time to make a fresh start or a fresh approach, ask to be guided, watch for the signs. Taurus is connected strongly to the Earth, so take time to be in nature grounding and watching for the elementals signs of animals as they can show us many things… watch what inspiration greets us under the influence of this beautiful Taurus Moon.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

Libran Full Moon ♥

Friday the 19th of April we have a Full Moon falling in the Air Sign of Libra. This is the second Libran Full Moon of the year. The first Libra Full Moon was last month, and opened a portal of possibilities and change.

This portal has been guiding us to get back to our center and to find our state of zero, and now, on this second Libran Full Moon, this portal of energy is coming to a close.

This double Full Moon Libran energy is amplifying the lessons of Libra, represented by the scales of balance, this offers us an opportunity to finish what we may not have under the March Libran Full Moon.

This Full Moon is offering some intense illumination into our world, especially when it comes to all our relationships. We are being shown where things may be unbalanced or where we are giving more of our energetic resources than others.

This is a call to look deeper at what we are wanting or needing in these relationships. The time has come to speak up about where this is occurring and to shift things so our needs our met. This is about all relationships, our friends, family, work and of course our romantic relationships.

The first Libran Full Moon was about finding balance within, this second Libra Full Moon as mentioned is about finding balance with others and with our relationships.

In order to really achieve this, we first have to understand and realise the importance of our own self-worth.

We are all worthy of being loved just as we are. We are worthy of respect. We are worthy of forgiveness. We are all worthy to be heard and listened to. Our feelings matter. We are important. And we deserve all of the relationships in our lives to be aligned with this truth.

The more we can love ourselves with all our quirks and ways, the more we value ourselves whole and complete and then we are less likely to tolerate relationships that throw us off course and out of balance.

Love is a tricky thing, self-love can sometimes be even harder, but without love, without unconditional love for the self, life can be too challenging, too painful, and too much of a burden to bare.

We have to learn to love ourselves. We have to learn to know our worth. And when we do, our relationships will have a way of automatically following.

This Full Moon is also marking a time when things are starting to come together, especially where they have been very frayed or chaotic. This shift can make things run smoother in our lives and things may move forward very quickly.

Deep clarity is being illuminated right now, and there is a lot of new information surfacing for us to take on board and feel into. This may be changing beliefs, perceptions or feelings. We are also being asked to look at shifting the way we look at our commitments or traditions.

This can be a time of changing the way we’ve done things in the past in order to better understand our truth and needs.

Under the energy of this potent Libra Full Moon, we should really take the moment to ask ourselves where we can love ourselves a little more? Ask ourselves what relationships are no longer bringing out the best in us.

These relationships may be with another person, but it can also be a realtionship we have with an object or an idea, such as money, our job, a belief, or a set of values.

The time has come to shift and swivel, and relationships are the focus. The energy of this Full Moon wants us to clear the way and to let go of relationships that are no longer necessary in order for us to keep continuing forward on our journeys.

This is the time to speak our truth and have those difficult conversations with those that need to hear it. This offers us to make changes so our relationships become a source of love, strength, and hope.

This Moon will shine a light on what needs to be repaired and fixed or it will let us know that the time has come to say goodbye.

There is some tense energy circling this Full Moon, but it is only there to help us take action and cut the cords with certain relationships once and for all.

While this tense energy may feel heavy, we can use it to our advantage by finding the strength and confidence we need to know our worth and to put ourselves first.

There can be possible indecision under this Moon, which can sometimes cause some issues, especially in situations where there has needed to be a decision for a long time.

This can be frustrating, but the Libran Moon is here to reminds us to take it one step at a time, honor

our heart and make the choices that are in best in the long run for our highest good.

The Moon is opposing the Sun which may bring personal conflict or confrontations.

During this energy, others may be trying to bring challenges or attacks that can be hard to deal with so we need to step back and look at the bigger picture of these current challenges.

We definitely need to be mindful of what we say to others, and ensure we are coming from a place of love. While tensions may be high around this Full Moon, we still have to keep ourselves in balance and remember that a little kindness can go a long way.

We deserve to surround ourselves with people who love us and want to see us lifted higher.

While this Full Moon will shine a light on the relationships that need to change or need to be let go of, we can also use it as a reminder to let those we love know how much they really mean to us.

We should all use this Libran Full Moon energy as a reminder to pay gratitude for our loved ones, and also to thank the more challenging relationships in our lives too, for they have also shaped and molded us as to who we have become.

The future is bright, and this Full Moon will be helping us to cut the cords, clear the way, and surround ourselves with those who lift us higher.

Give gratitude to those we love and never let a day go by without telling those we love just that… that we love them ♥

Love and Blessings ♥

Aries New Moon ♥

The New Moon Falls in Fiery Aries this Friday the 5th of April. A New Moon is always a powerful time for new beginnings and this New Moon is supercharged with feisty Aries energy. The first sign of the Zodiac, Aries is all about starting things, not always following through but definitely starting things ?

This is a great time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Ram. It’s time to take action…try something new and innovative, and go for it with passion and confidence. Be assertive without being harsh, take charge of our lives, start a brand new project and discover our own personal courage.

This is an extremely potent time for setting intentions and taking initiative as we’re entering a new cycle that is powered through rebirth and transformation. Aries fires courage in our veins, making this a good time to listen to our intuition and follow… as always our hearts.

The motto of Aries is “I am” the expression of the starting point, the seed that is planted in the Earth as a whole, before it begins to shoot. The seed just is “I am”, so… a New Moon in Aries is especially ripe with opportunity for new beginnings. We might consider acting on positive desires and following a hunch or taking a risk. Aries learns through experience and action, so now we may feel the urge to treat ourselves to a little adventure.

It’s also a good cycle under which to discover the benefits of expressing ourselves with authenticity. Expressing ourselves as we truly are, without hiding behind masks or putting on airs and graces. We might also find ways to learn how to rely simply on ourselves and to be happy about doing just that… it will go a long way towards finding inner happiness when we know that we can be self-sufficient without blaming others for not helping us out.

The Aries New Moon is reminding us to embrace the different and unique magic that flows within us. This is a time of embracing all that we are without worrying what others think or believe. This is a time of breaking up with the expectations and perceptions of the past.

This New Moon is heightening awareness, offering us new ways of looking at things. This is also offering us the ability to see things more clearly, which can show some uncomfortable truth to our eyes at times as we see things as they are. Be aware of anger that can rise when Aries is in the air. Tempers can flare out of the blue causing miscommunication, arguments or conflict.

This is a strong cycle under which to re-evaluate our relationship to ourselves. With this potent Aries energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. Aries does not plan for the future very well and tends to live very much in the now… so we need to make sure to set some solid yet realistic plans, and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, as these will begin to take form approximately two weeks after the April Libran Full Moon.

The Aries New Moon is typically the best time for manifesting, setting goals, planting seeds, and making wishes. If you want a time of year for getting clear on your dreams and mapping out what the future will look and feel like, the Aries New Moon is one of the best as it is the first New Moon in the Astrological New Year.

The Moons closeness to Mars works well with Aries energy. This energy may make us feel brave and confident. Taking the initiative is favored now, as long as we move in the direction of what is calling to our hearts. If we don’t channel this powerful energy however, irritation and frustration can occur.

The Aries New Moon forms a square aspect to Saturn, suggesting some blocks surrounding our new beginnings. Something may not get off the ground as quickly as we’d like just now. Even so, we’re in a rare window when none of the major planets/bodies are retrograde, and things may very well move along nicely after the possible slight hold up here and there.

The Aries New Moons aspect to Jupiter reminds us to remember our personal worth and not to lower our standards when it comes to others. There can be a desire at times to lower our boundaries or needs, especially to those who are important to us. But we must remember not to walked over as we are just as important too.

The Moons aspect to Pluto may expose some very powerful emotions or feelings that were buried deep and they may rise to the surface quite suddenly. This can be very intense to deal with as this can be triggering past trauma. We need to remember to stay open and be present with what is unfolding and not to turn away from it, as there is big transformation here. Be aware of those that would use manipulation, games or guilt to get what they want. There’s a bit of trickery and treachery in the air.

The Aries New Moon is also reminding us to be open and honest with others when it comes to how we are feeling. There is nothing to be gained by swallowing our truth. This New Moon comes after the Autumnal Equinox, so it is the newest Moon of the year and just perfect for fresh starts and wiping the slate clean.

Under the dark night of the Aries New Moon, retreat within and see how you are guided. See how you are encouraged to surrender, see how you are being encouraged to plant seeds to align with your highest truth and your highest path.

Ask the Universe to guide you to the perfect path for you. Trust that your soul knows the way and has already laid out a plan for you.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

Notice a shift in the air?

Notice a shift in the air? Mercury went direct yesterday after being Retrograde since the 5th of March. When Mercury goes direct, we are going to experience some shifts when it comes to the areas that have come up for us during the Retrograde period. We may have taken a glimpse into some new ideas, new ways and new beginnings calling us. As Mercury traveling through Pisces there may be some endings happening now in various situations and relationships as Mercury moves forward.

Although Mercury is moving forward, we remain in the storm period, the shadow zone through to April 16th, after which it enters its next phase of moving through ‘unknown zones’ where the lessons of this retrograde will come further to the front line.

During the Retrograde period many of us have seen things in a new light, and this can mean there is no going back to the way things were before as move away from illusion. We begin to see things clearly now, especially in our relationships… just how things really are, our eyes have been opened.

There is much positive energy now as we move forward, hope and optimism is right before us. We need to follow our intuition and pay attention to what has been revealed and where we are being called. As the momentum begins to pick up, we are called to move forward on our ideas and new ways of thought on our journeys that we have been looking into during the Retrograde period.

We can all expect some very creative crossings of past and future over the next couple of weeks, giving us a chance to show how well we’ve worked on clearing and making a new path during March.

As Mercury stations, we have some powerful aspects between Mercury, Neptune, Uranus and Mars.  Which may bring us to a crossroad or a fork in the road. Some will find themselves having important dreams, or flashes and deja vu moments. There are messages here for us to dive into, swim down into the underwater caves of mystery, jewels of self discovery are waiting. We may find ourselves drifting and as beneficial it is to dive into the waters of mystery we still need to continue to keep focused and organised as we move forward into our new way of being…

We have to careful not to allow the fogs and seductions of mass consciousness to confuse us, we have to find our way of moving through the Piscean dreamland and then we can move through the transition and transformation from the old to the new in April.
Soon we will all understand many things that were confused or unclear before.

We may have to search deeper for a new way to understand our freedom as a result of what we had to let go of in our lives in recent months. We have no choice but to flow through the transformational process.

New doorways, new relationships and deeper inspiration is available to us all as we dive deep and begin the new chapter on our journeys.