On Thursday the 21st of March we have a Full Super Moon falling in the Air sign of Libra. The Full Super Moon also aligns with the Autumnal Equinox, the Festival of Mabon and… it’s the day the Sun moves into Aries. This is also the last Full Super Moon in a string of three that we have had since the start of the year.
Yeah…. Just a bit going on! ? and the energy is building now!!!
The Libran Full Super Moon falls at 0 degrees as did February’s Virgo Full Super Moon. Zero is the number of potential and limitless opportunities. Zero is the blank canvas of all creation, signaling that this Full Super Moon is really going to offer endless potential again for us all. Under this energy we are going to be offered a chance to get to zero with ourselves, to find our core and to find that place of wholeness that resides within.
Interestingly with the Sun shifting into Aries on the same day we find another reference to the zero point. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries phrase is ‘I am’ that point of beginning of creation and the beginning zero point of the wheel for the year.
Again, another reference to a zero or stop/turning point, the Autumnal Equinox falls on the same day. There are only two moments in the year when the Sun is exactly above the Equator and day and night are of equal length… also, it is where either of these two points in the sky where the Sun’s annual pathway and the celestial equator intersect. The Autumnal Equinox/Festival of Mabon is the official astrological beginning of Autumn and signals the need to balance light and darkness within us. Again, to pause and find that place of wholeness that resides within.
The Libran Full Super Moon is shining her light on places of where we are stuck in the past, and where we need to let go in order to move forward to face a new future. This Moon marks a big shift in energy and begins to call in a time of new beginnings and chapters opening up in the coming months.
We are being asked to look into the places that feel frozen in our lives. This may be in situations, jobs, projects or relationships where things have been in a holding pattern for way too long. If there is no progress, it may be time to let it go. Remaining locked in the past hurts us and stops us from moving forward.
The energy of a Super Moon is like the Universe’s way of reminding us to get in touch with our lunar side, and to embrace the power and magnetic energy of our mystical Moon.
Under these three Super Moons, we have been encouraged to tune into our intuition, tap into our inner selves, and release all that is holding us back. Under these Super Moons, we have been preparing for the new chapter that is ahead.
The Libran Full Super Moon opens a portal to a new wave of energy. As mentioned it aligns with the Autumnal Equinox and the Sun shifting into Aries, all are zero points. This is a Big New beginning of a New cycle. This new wave of energy is at a higher vibration than we have experienced before. It is going to help us awaken to new potentials and opportunities. It is going to open and guide us into connecting deeper with our consciousness.
In order to enter into this new wave, we have to release the old. We have to wipe the slate clean and be ready to begin again. We have to return ourselves to ground zero.
Just to add a little more potency….. at the time of the Libran Super Full Moon, we will actually have three planets in the cosmos aligned at the vibration of number zero, which means the Universe is just going to be so open with huge potential.
This energy is going to activate us. It is going to recharge us, it is going to tweak and tune the cords of our energy, and prepare us to walk into this new wave.
To tap into this energy, the Libran Full Super Moon will be calling us to take a good look at how we are using our energy and to evaluate whether we are using it in a way that serves us or drains us.
During this deep looking inside, we may realise that we need to let some things go, and to do away with things take up too much of our precious energy reserves. We may also find that we need to protect our energy or adjust the flow of where we are directing it.
With the Sun shifting into Aries on this day we are reminded that Aries doesn’t like stuck energy one bit, which may cause some friction and movement. Aries loves beginnings and can’t stand feeling trapped.
Aries the Ram reminds us it’s time to let go and move away from impossible situations. We are beginning to shift gears as Mercury will be direct in a few days, which will push momentum ahead immensely. Be prepared, as the dam may burst and things will begin to flow quickly.
This Super Full Moon is not going to hide things… the answers we seek are going to appear right before us, the things we need to change are going to be made clear, and it will be up to us to decide how is the best way to go about things.
We have to learn to put our energy into things that fill us up and make us realise the joy and wholeness that is within us.
We all have joy flowing inside of us, all we need to do is learn how to tap into it. Joy flows from within, and when we tap into it, life becomes more fluid, more fun, and more enjoyable.
Life can sometimes feel like a routine or on repeat if we are not tapping into this river of joy that resides within us.
To activate this flow, we first have to get into balance and then open ourselves under the light of a potent Full Moon, just like this massive one. Much energy will be coming to us this Thursday.
This Full Moon comes to remind us to center ourselves, to return to the blank slate, to the zero point of our life and start from there. It encourages us to get perfectly balanced, so we can feel more peaceful and in tune with our lives.
It encourages us to start giving energy to things that we want or desire, and to minimize the amount of energy we spend on things that drain or deplete us.
The Universe works in mysterious ways but the cosmos can give us clues. On this night, when the Moon is shining brightly in the sky, we can use this energy to center and ground ourselves, we can use this energy to align ourselves, we can use this energy to step out of our own way and enter into the new.
Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥