Libran Full Moon ♥

Friday the 19th of April we have a Full Moon falling in the Air Sign of Libra. This is the second Libran Full Moon of the year. The first Libra Full Moon was last month, and opened a portal of possibilities and change.

This portal has been guiding us to get back to our center and to find our state of zero, and now, on this second Libran Full Moon, this portal of energy is coming to a close.

This double Full Moon Libran energy is amplifying the lessons of Libra, represented by the scales of balance, this offers us an opportunity to finish what we may not have under the March Libran Full Moon.

This Full Moon is offering some intense illumination into our world, especially when it comes to all our relationships. We are being shown where things may be unbalanced or where we are giving more of our energetic resources than others.

This is a call to look deeper at what we are wanting or needing in these relationships. The time has come to speak up about where this is occurring and to shift things so our needs our met. This is about all relationships, our friends, family, work and of course our romantic relationships.

The first Libran Full Moon was about finding balance within, this second Libra Full Moon as mentioned is about finding balance with others and with our relationships.

In order to really achieve this, we first have to understand and realise the importance of our own self-worth.

We are all worthy of being loved just as we are. We are worthy of respect. We are worthy of forgiveness. We are all worthy to be heard and listened to. Our feelings matter. We are important. And we deserve all of the relationships in our lives to be aligned with this truth.

The more we can love ourselves with all our quirks and ways, the more we value ourselves whole and complete and then we are less likely to tolerate relationships that throw us off course and out of balance.

Love is a tricky thing, self-love can sometimes be even harder, but without love, without unconditional love for the self, life can be too challenging, too painful, and too much of a burden to bare.

We have to learn to love ourselves. We have to learn to know our worth. And when we do, our relationships will have a way of automatically following.

This Full Moon is also marking a time when things are starting to come together, especially where they have been very frayed or chaotic. This shift can make things run smoother in our lives and things may move forward very quickly.

Deep clarity is being illuminated right now, and there is a lot of new information surfacing for us to take on board and feel into. This may be changing beliefs, perceptions or feelings. We are also being asked to look at shifting the way we look at our commitments or traditions.

This can be a time of changing the way we’ve done things in the past in order to better understand our truth and needs.

Under the energy of this potent Libra Full Moon, we should really take the moment to ask ourselves where we can love ourselves a little more? Ask ourselves what relationships are no longer bringing out the best in us.

These relationships may be with another person, but it can also be a realtionship we have with an object or an idea, such as money, our job, a belief, or a set of values.

The time has come to shift and swivel, and relationships are the focus. The energy of this Full Moon wants us to clear the way and to let go of relationships that are no longer necessary in order for us to keep continuing forward on our journeys.

This is the time to speak our truth and have those difficult conversations with those that need to hear it. This offers us to make changes so our relationships become a source of love, strength, and hope.

This Moon will shine a light on what needs to be repaired and fixed or it will let us know that the time has come to say goodbye.

There is some tense energy circling this Full Moon, but it is only there to help us take action and cut the cords with certain relationships once and for all.

While this tense energy may feel heavy, we can use it to our advantage by finding the strength and confidence we need to know our worth and to put ourselves first.

There can be possible indecision under this Moon, which can sometimes cause some issues, especially in situations where there has needed to be a decision for a long time.

This can be frustrating, but the Libran Moon is here to reminds us to take it one step at a time, honor

our heart and make the choices that are in best in the long run for our highest good.

The Moon is opposing the Sun which may bring personal conflict or confrontations.

During this energy, others may be trying to bring challenges or attacks that can be hard to deal with so we need to step back and look at the bigger picture of these current challenges.

We definitely need to be mindful of what we say to others, and ensure we are coming from a place of love. While tensions may be high around this Full Moon, we still have to keep ourselves in balance and remember that a little kindness can go a long way.

We deserve to surround ourselves with people who love us and want to see us lifted higher.

While this Full Moon will shine a light on the relationships that need to change or need to be let go of, we can also use it as a reminder to let those we love know how much they really mean to us.

We should all use this Libran Full Moon energy as a reminder to pay gratitude for our loved ones, and also to thank the more challenging relationships in our lives too, for they have also shaped and molded us as to who we have become.

The future is bright, and this Full Moon will be helping us to cut the cords, clear the way, and surround ourselves with those who lift us higher.

Give gratitude to those we love and never let a day go by without telling those we love just that… that we love them ♥

Love and Blessings ♥

Aries New Moon ♥

The New Moon Falls in Fiery Aries this Friday the 5th of April. A New Moon is always a powerful time for new beginnings and this New Moon is supercharged with feisty Aries energy. The first sign of the Zodiac, Aries is all about starting things, not always following through but definitely starting things ?

This is a great time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Ram. It’s time to take action…try something new and innovative, and go for it with passion and confidence. Be assertive without being harsh, take charge of our lives, start a brand new project and discover our own personal courage.

This is an extremely potent time for setting intentions and taking initiative as we’re entering a new cycle that is powered through rebirth and transformation. Aries fires courage in our veins, making this a good time to listen to our intuition and follow… as always our hearts.

The motto of Aries is “I am” the expression of the starting point, the seed that is planted in the Earth as a whole, before it begins to shoot. The seed just is “I am”, so… a New Moon in Aries is especially ripe with opportunity for new beginnings. We might consider acting on positive desires and following a hunch or taking a risk. Aries learns through experience and action, so now we may feel the urge to treat ourselves to a little adventure.

It’s also a good cycle under which to discover the benefits of expressing ourselves with authenticity. Expressing ourselves as we truly are, without hiding behind masks or putting on airs and graces. We might also find ways to learn how to rely simply on ourselves and to be happy about doing just that… it will go a long way towards finding inner happiness when we know that we can be self-sufficient without blaming others for not helping us out.

The Aries New Moon is reminding us to embrace the different and unique magic that flows within us. This is a time of embracing all that we are without worrying what others think or believe. This is a time of breaking up with the expectations and perceptions of the past.

This New Moon is heightening awareness, offering us new ways of looking at things. This is also offering us the ability to see things more clearly, which can show some uncomfortable truth to our eyes at times as we see things as they are. Be aware of anger that can rise when Aries is in the air. Tempers can flare out of the blue causing miscommunication, arguments or conflict.

This is a strong cycle under which to re-evaluate our relationship to ourselves. With this potent Aries energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. Aries does not plan for the future very well and tends to live very much in the now… so we need to make sure to set some solid yet realistic plans, and to set the stage for reaping the rewards from our new beginnings, as little or big as they may be, as these will begin to take form approximately two weeks after the April Libran Full Moon.

The Aries New Moon is typically the best time for manifesting, setting goals, planting seeds, and making wishes. If you want a time of year for getting clear on your dreams and mapping out what the future will look and feel like, the Aries New Moon is one of the best as it is the first New Moon in the Astrological New Year.

The Moons closeness to Mars works well with Aries energy. This energy may make us feel brave and confident. Taking the initiative is favored now, as long as we move in the direction of what is calling to our hearts. If we don’t channel this powerful energy however, irritation and frustration can occur.

The Aries New Moon forms a square aspect to Saturn, suggesting some blocks surrounding our new beginnings. Something may not get off the ground as quickly as we’d like just now. Even so, we’re in a rare window when none of the major planets/bodies are retrograde, and things may very well move along nicely after the possible slight hold up here and there.

The Aries New Moons aspect to Jupiter reminds us to remember our personal worth and not to lower our standards when it comes to others. There can be a desire at times to lower our boundaries or needs, especially to those who are important to us. But we must remember not to walked over as we are just as important too.

The Moons aspect to Pluto may expose some very powerful emotions or feelings that were buried deep and they may rise to the surface quite suddenly. This can be very intense to deal with as this can be triggering past trauma. We need to remember to stay open and be present with what is unfolding and not to turn away from it, as there is big transformation here. Be aware of those that would use manipulation, games or guilt to get what they want. There’s a bit of trickery and treachery in the air.

The Aries New Moon is also reminding us to be open and honest with others when it comes to how we are feeling. There is nothing to be gained by swallowing our truth. This New Moon comes after the Autumnal Equinox, so it is the newest Moon of the year and just perfect for fresh starts and wiping the slate clean.

Under the dark night of the Aries New Moon, retreat within and see how you are guided. See how you are encouraged to surrender, see how you are being encouraged to plant seeds to align with your highest truth and your highest path.

Ask the Universe to guide you to the perfect path for you. Trust that your soul knows the way and has already laid out a plan for you.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

Notice a shift in the air?

Notice a shift in the air? Mercury went direct yesterday after being Retrograde since the 5th of March. When Mercury goes direct, we are going to experience some shifts when it comes to the areas that have come up for us during the Retrograde period. We may have taken a glimpse into some new ideas, new ways and new beginnings calling us. As Mercury traveling through Pisces there may be some endings happening now in various situations and relationships as Mercury moves forward.

Although Mercury is moving forward, we remain in the storm period, the shadow zone through to April 16th, after which it enters its next phase of moving through ‘unknown zones’ where the lessons of this retrograde will come further to the front line.

During the Retrograde period many of us have seen things in a new light, and this can mean there is no going back to the way things were before as move away from illusion. We begin to see things clearly now, especially in our relationships… just how things really are, our eyes have been opened.

There is much positive energy now as we move forward, hope and optimism is right before us. We need to follow our intuition and pay attention to what has been revealed and where we are being called. As the momentum begins to pick up, we are called to move forward on our ideas and new ways of thought on our journeys that we have been looking into during the Retrograde period.

We can all expect some very creative crossings of past and future over the next couple of weeks, giving us a chance to show how well we’ve worked on clearing and making a new path during March.

As Mercury stations, we have some powerful aspects between Mercury, Neptune, Uranus and Mars.  Which may bring us to a crossroad or a fork in the road. Some will find themselves having important dreams, or flashes and deja vu moments. There are messages here for us to dive into, swim down into the underwater caves of mystery, jewels of self discovery are waiting. We may find ourselves drifting and as beneficial it is to dive into the waters of mystery we still need to continue to keep focused and organised as we move forward into our new way of being…

We have to careful not to allow the fogs and seductions of mass consciousness to confuse us, we have to find our way of moving through the Piscean dreamland and then we can move through the transition and transformation from the old to the new in April.
Soon we will all understand many things that were confused or unclear before.

We may have to search deeper for a new way to understand our freedom as a result of what we had to let go of in our lives in recent months. We have no choice but to flow through the transformational process.

New doorways, new relationships and deeper inspiration is available to us all as we dive deep and begin the new chapter on our journeys.

Aries Season ♥

As of a few days ago, on the day of the Super Full Moon and the Equinox, Thursday 21st…. we also began the Astrological New Year in the Fire sign of Aries. Beginnings and Point Zero is a big theme at the moment and Aries season is definitely going to help supercharge many areas of our lives.

Aries season is set to bring a big wave of energy, motivation and opportunity. While there will be a general feeling of anticipation, ambition and boldness, as we start out on a new journey, we tend to be headstrong and fast, just like the Aries Ram. We want to race ahead to see what is behind the corner. We may feel overly energetic and keen to show off our new ideas too, so keeping that ego in check is important.

While this big energetic motivation wave is all great news, we need to hold back a little somehow and don’t go rushing blindly into things!!

Just like our favourite energetic rams, other people around us can also be more impatient, hasty and impulsive during Aries season

What we have to be mindful of is the actions we choose to make under this energy. While Aries energy is bold and strong and will be helping us to soldier ahead, it can also be overly quick to act and totally rush in and be impulsive.

As we have Mercury in Retrograde in the first part of the season, we are going to have to double check things, watch our communications on all levels and really trust our intuition. Things can get a little fuzzy wuzzy!

Under this feisty energy, our intuition is going to be our guide and we are going to have to listen deeply before moving ahead. While we may feel excited and energized, we also have to remember to stop, look, and listen!

We have to pay attention to that whisper or nagging feeling inside of us… our intuition… as it will act as our best guide on this new journey.

As Aries represents the head, we have to move out of our ego and into our higher mind. Even though we may feel like we “know it all” or have been on this road before, we have to make sure we are listening. We have to make sure we are not going to fall into old habits or patterns.

This is our chance to do things differently and change the way we choose to see the world. This our chance to live our lives with a new understanding.

As we enter the first few weeks of Aries Season, we are going to be challenged to lift up the energy of our life, to let go of our past, and to work on creating the new.

Now is the time to think about how we want this new chapter to feel. We may not have control over what the path has in store for us, but we do have some control over what feelings we choose to nurture.

Under the fiery energy of the Aries Sun, we need to ask ourselves just what do we wish for our lives to become? What calls us? What habits are outdated and growing stale and old? What have we really had enough off, what needs to go once and for all?

Aries season is the perfect time for some mental spring cleaning as well as some physical and emotional cleansing as well… Then we can step forward renewed and confidently into a new version of ourselves.

Many of us may be feeling uneasy as the shift in energy is fluxing. We have been on a bumpy ride during the string of 3 Super Moons… We need to remember that we don’t need to be afraid. There is nothing we can’t truly handle and nothing we can’t achieve if we set our sights on the bullseye. We need to not shy away from any conflicts and most definitely not shy away from speaking our truth. A cleansing start, a beginning point, that zero entry requires us to dig deep into our hearts. Dig deep into the love that we have inside, for this love is our power, this love is who we all truly are.

From this place we find the strength and the courage we all need to get through our next step, and to move forward on our journeys.

We are all so much stronger than we know. Sometime we are so much stronger than we allow ourselves to be.

Inside all of us we have the power… we all have the strength… and we all have the knowledge to rise. To stand up strong. To rise higher with love. To stand and speak our truth.

Under the fiery energy of the Aries Sun, we will be guided, we will be supported. We must listen deeply to our intuition, avoid rash decisions and impulsive moves. Our strength is going to be ignited, there is an endless potential energy pulsing away for us to tap into…. we can get through anything.

Life is not always butterflies, fairies and daisies… There are always things to make us fall. But this is ok. WE GOT THIS!

Every time we get back up, every time we overcome a challenge either big or small, remember we must congratulate ourselves and love ourselves a little more for our strength and compassion.

Under the Aries Sun we are all going to enter a new chapter. We are all going to find a new level of strength and a new level of excitement as we continue to walk this great blessing and adventure called life.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

March Super Full Moon 2019

On Thursday the 21st of March we have a Full Super Moon falling in the Air sign of Libra. The Full Super Moon also aligns with the Autumnal Equinox, the Festival of Mabon and… it’s the day the Sun moves into Aries. This is also the last Full Super Moon in a string of three that we have had since the start of the year.

Yeah…. Just a bit going on! ? and the energy is building now!!!

The Libran Full Super Moon falls at 0 degrees as did February’s Virgo Full Super Moon.  Zero is the number of potential and limitless opportunities. Zero is the blank canvas of all creation, signaling that this Full Super Moon is really going to offer endless potential again for us all. Under this energy we are going to be offered a chance to get to zero with ourselves, to find our core and to find that place of wholeness that resides within.

Interestingly with the Sun shifting into Aries on the same day we find another reference to the zero point. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries phrase is ‘I am’ that point of beginning of creation and the beginning zero point of the wheel for the year.  

Again, another reference to a zero or stop/turning point, the Autumnal Equinox falls on the same day. There are only two moments in the year when the Sun is exactly above the Equator and day and night are of equal length… also, it is where either of these two points in the sky where the Sun’s annual pathway and the celestial equator intersect. The Autumnal Equinox/Festival of Mabon is the official astrological beginning of Autumn and signals the need to balance light and darkness within us. Again, to pause and find that place of wholeness that resides within.

The Libran Full Super Moon is shining her light on places of where we are stuck in the past, and where we need to let go in order to move forward to face a new future. This Moon marks a big shift in energy and begins to call in a time of new beginnings and chapters opening up in the coming months.

We are being asked to look into the places that feel frozen in our lives. This may be in situations, jobs, projects or relationships where things have been in a holding pattern for way too long. If there is no progress, it may be time to let it go. Remaining locked in the past hurts us and stops us from moving forward.

The energy of a Super Moon is like the Universe’s way of reminding us to get in touch with our lunar side, and to embrace the power and magnetic energy of our mystical Moon.

Under these three Super Moons, we have been encouraged to tune into our intuition, tap into our inner selves, and release all that is holding us back. Under these Super Moons, we have been preparing for the new chapter that is ahead.

The Libran Full Super Moon opens a portal to a new wave of energy. As mentioned it aligns with the Autumnal Equinox and the Sun shifting into Aries, all are zero points. This is a Big New beginning of a New cycle. This new wave of energy is at a higher vibration than we have experienced before. It is going to help us awaken to new potentials and opportunities. It is going to open and guide us into connecting deeper with our consciousness.

In order to enter into this new wave, we have to release the old. We have to wipe the slate clean and be ready to begin again. We have to return ourselves to ground zero.

Just to add a little more potency….. at the time of the Libran Super Full Moon, we will actually have three planets in the cosmos aligned at the vibration of number zero, which means the Universe is just going to be so open with huge potential.

This energy is going to activate us. It is going to recharge us, it is going to tweak and tune the cords of our energy, and prepare us to walk into this new wave.

To tap into this energy, the Libran Full Super Moon will be calling us to take a good look at  how we are using our energy and to evaluate whether we are using it in a way that serves us or drains us.

During this deep looking inside, we may realise that we need to let some things go, and to do away with things take up too much of our precious energy reserves. We may also find that we need to protect our energy or adjust the flow of where we are directing it.

With the Sun shifting into Aries on this day we are reminded that Aries doesn’t like stuck energy one bit, which may cause some friction and movement. Aries loves beginnings and can’t stand feeling trapped.

Aries the Ram reminds us it’s time to let go and move away from impossible situations. We are beginning to shift gears as Mercury will be direct in a few days, which will push momentum ahead immensely. Be prepared, as the dam may burst and things will begin to flow quickly.

This Super Full Moon is not going to hide things… the answers we seek are going to appear right before us, the things we need to change are going to be made clear, and it will be up to us to decide how is the best way to go about things.

We have to learn to put our energy into things that fill us up and make us realise the joy and wholeness that is within us.

We all have joy flowing inside of us, all we need to do is learn how to tap into it. Joy flows from within, and when we tap into it, life becomes more fluid, more fun, and more enjoyable.

Life can sometimes feel like a routine or on repeat  if we are not tapping into this river of joy that resides within us.

To activate this flow, we first have to get into balance and then open ourselves under the light of a potent Full Moon, just like this massive one. Much energy will be coming to us this Thursday.

This Full Moon comes to remind us to center ourselves, to return to the blank slate, to the zero point of our life and start from there. It encourages us to get perfectly balanced, so we can feel more peaceful and in tune with our lives.

It encourages us to start giving energy to things that we want or desire, and to minimize the amount of energy we spend on things that drain or deplete us.

The Universe works in mysterious ways but the cosmos can give us clues. On this night, when the Moon is shining brightly in the sky, we can use this energy to center and ground ourselves, we can use this energy to align ourselves, we can use this energy to step out of our own way and enter into the new.

Love and Blessings ♥ ♥ ♥

2019 Full Moon Insights

2019 New Moon Insights

Mercury Retrograde March 2019

Get ready for the first Mercury Retrograde for 2019! Mercury retrograde begins on Tuesday March 5th and ends on Thursday March 28th.
This retrograde occurs entirely in the sign of Pisces and will be a very big theme throughout the month of March, shining a light on illusion in our world and showing us where fantasy has been existing for too long.
It also allows us to slow down a little, to recharge our batteries, to dream and plan big for the future… so when Mercury moves direct, we can launch our desires into the world.

Many people don’t feel the full effects of Mercury retrograde until it enters the storm period. The storm period of Mercury retrograde is when Mercury is moving at its slowest, less than 40 minutes per day.
Mercury is a fast-moving planet and is not overly happy when he’s moving slowly. There is usually two storm periods, one around the time Mercury turns retrograde, and one around when it turns direct.
With Mercury Retrograde in dreamy Pisces, we are offered the opportunity for some deep healing. Taking time to rest, to work on our inner selves and connect with those that are close to our spirits can offer us much comfort.
However, wires can be crossed easily during this energy, as Mercury rules communication and in Pisces can bring some illusion for us to journey through.

We may feel foggy, delusional, with wandering Pisces and end up stuck in a fog pretty easily, which can make it hard to make decisions, to think clearly, and to focus. We can be more easily misled, delude ourselves or are deceived by others, and can be easily manipulated. We may wander around, flowing from this to that, seemingly directionless. It becomes important with Pisces energy to make sure we’re grounded and to be as realistic as possible, otherwise we can find ourselves with a lot of issues!

We may be more easily rundown, constantly tired, and the world may be a bit sluggish as the more dominating among us become more demanding and draining on our energy. We need to make time for rest and quiet time alone so we can recharge, otherwise we just keep getting drained until we’re dry. Healthy boundaries are always important with Pisces.
Pisces is a compassionate sign, full of empathy and understanding, and we may find that we’re either too compassionate and understanding, which leads us to be taken advantage of… or, we’re lacking compassion and understanding.
Spirituality and intuition fall under the sphere of Pisces, and we may be more focused on spiritual needs. It can be a good time to tend to them, but we need to make sure we don’t get too lost in them and lack an open mind and accepting heart. Intuition can be helpful for guidance since focus may be lacking, but we need to work on truly listening to our inner guides and not just believing what we want to believe.

Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac, so we may be focused on something that needs to come to an end. We may encounter confrontations, blocks, issues as we try to finish, close out, or let go, whether internal or external, and we may need to make sure we’re eliminating from the source and not just on the surface so it doesn’t come back again. Something we thought we were done with and wouldn’t have to deal with again could come back, rearing its head from the past, and we have to make sure we really take care of it this time.

We have the New Moon falling in Pisces on Wednesday March 6th, the day after the Mercury retrograde. In fact, the Moon is in Pisces as the retrograde begins. This brings extra energy for Pisces at the start of the retrograde (like there won’t be enough!). But with the Pisces New Moon, it’ll try to be helpful, not hurtful. We just have to consciously decide to use the energy as best as we can to be productive with imagination, tune into our intuition, stay grounded and lend a helping hand in healthy ways.
Love and Blessings

Winter Solstice Rituals

Rituals have been perfumed on the significant cycle points for eons by all cultures around our beautiful planet.

RitualRitual to many gives life meaning. They also honor and acknowledge the web of life that connects us all. A simple act done with the intention of love is quite powerful and more than enough. Here are some simple rituals you can perform on Winter solstice with friends, your family or on your own.

Candlelight Ceremony

Candle-RitualThis lovely ritual can be done at home with your family or include your friends for a larger Solstice celebration.

Someone begins by placing on a table, one large unlit candle and the others present place various smaller unlit candles for each person.

Turn off all the lights and just sit for a moment in darkness, remembering and honoring the Sun’s light.

Then who ever is leading, can light the main big candle an offer a blessing.

After that each can come and light their candle from the main flame and all candles can be placed in a circle or spiral around the main one.

Once all candles are lit, a song, blessing or simply “Happy Solstice” can be said together.

Solstice Lanterns

solstice lanternsDecorate jars with pieces of gold paper, winter leaves, yellow, red or other coloured tissue paper,(glue is fine to use) and  you can make handles for the jars with wire.

Place them around the home welcome the darkness of Winter Solstice by lighting your lanterns on sunset and try not to use any lights for the evening.

Fire Releasing Ceremony

sacredfireThis ritual can be performed as a personal ceremony on your own or with a group friends and family. Make a small or large fire somewhere outside in a safe area or fire pit, a brazier or your inside fireplace can be used as well.

Begin by giving out small pieces of paper and pencils so each person can write down anything they want to release. Or simply write your own.

When all have written down what they wish to release, everyone gathers around a fire, and each person in turn comes to the fire and throws their paper in.

After everyone is finished, you seal the ritual by all banging on drums, using shakers any instrument or pots and pans, whatever you like, and then finish off with a celebratory howl!

Whatever you choose to do on Winter Solstice, whether pausing in quiet reflection, or celebrating with loved ones, know that all over our planet, many are joining in Spirit and doing the same.

Winter Solstice Blessings to all ♥

Making a Crystal Grid

Crystal grids can sometimes be more powerful than using a single crystal for an intended goal.

Crystal grids are made by the placement of stones in a geometric pattern for the specific purpose of directing energy toward a goal. The stones or crystals are then charged by your intention and energy.

Crystal grids can be simple or elaborate, get creative and follow what feels right for your purpose.

I love to set a grid during the new moon with the intention of my goals. The crystals are then cleansed and charged with the following full moon. simple grid

A grid can be used for a simple goal like enhancing your sleep quality, to bring more love and abundance into your life or something more globally intended – like World Peace! mandala

The combinations are endless, depending only on your purpose for the grid. Whatever your intention, the crystal grid is an effective use of crystal energy when done with your clear intention.

Tumbled, rough, faceted stones, balls, points clusters and crystal can be centred around a Master Crystal which acts as the primary energy force for the grid. peace mandala

Basic guidelines to making a crystal grid
  • Decide on your purpose for the grid. Your clear intention is a key element in empowering the stones’ energy. Your intention is what you will use to charge the crystals.
  • Write your intention on a piece of paper (or on the back of a photo that depicts your goal).
  • Find a safe location to create your grid where it will not be disturbed. Cleanse this space. Some cleansing methods include burning sage, placing a crystal cluster in the room, or bowls of sea salt. Flowers, incense, music, candles can be used to add ambience to your sacred space.
  • Place your crystal layout in a geometric pattern , make up your own or use a mandala template or sacred geometry design etc..
  • Charge the Master Crystal with your intention and place it within the layout
  • Relax and center yourself. Visualize your goal having already been achieved with a calm mind and positive intention.
  • Say a prayer or give thanks of gratitude.

An important aspect of your grid is to have fun with it and be creative. You can’t really make a mistake, if your heart is true and your goals for good.

You can make your grid on a tray or movable surface, or place it on a spot where you know it will not be disturbed. When you are finished using the grid, be sure to cleanse the stones before using them again.

Enjoy the endless possibilities of creating crystal grids. Please feel free to contact us if you would like more information or are seeking specific crystals and stones for your grids.

We have many natural & polished crystals and stones available that have yet to go up on the website… Blessings ♥

Crystal Wands – Uses, Cleansing and Healing

Since ancient times, crystal wands have been used for healing by healers all over the world. Some believe that they were even used by crystal healers in Atlantis.  Crystal wands are a popular tool used by healers all around the world. Wand---Crystal-Wand-Assortment-6pcs-01

Wands come in many different shapes and sizes, and also in many varieties of stone as well. Wands may be long or short, and the cylinder can be smooth or faceted. They can be pointed at one end and rounded at the other, or they can be rounded on both ends, or pointed at both ends. Some wands are wider at one end and tapered at the other, while others are not. Most wands are shaped and polished, but rough natural pointed crystals, such as quartz, can also be used as a healing wand.

Healing wands gather and direct energy. The elongated, cylindrical shape of a wand enables the stone or crystal to direct its healing energy in a straight line, and the wand’s point focuses the crystal’s energy so that it can be used on specific areas of the body.

Healing with a Crystal Wand

Crystal wands can be used in many different methods of healing. They can be used to heal the entire body or aura, or they can be used on a specific area of the body, or on a particular chakra. They can be used to scan the aura and the chakras to locate blockages, and then cleanse and heal them.

Wands can also be used in massage healing. Massaging the body with a stone wand helps to release tension from the body, while at the same time the stone’s healing energy is transferred to the body. Smooth, round wands that are rounded on at least one end are the best to use in massage healing as they will not scratch or cause other discomfort to the body.

Pointed wands are good to use in reflexology, a healing method in which the stone’s point is held at certain pressure points, mostly on the hands and feet, to heal ailments in particular areas of the body.

Choosing your Wand

Wands come in a wide variety of stones and crystals, so there are many different wands to choose from. Different stones have different healing energies and, therefore, have different effects on the body, aura, and chakras. As each gemstone has different healing properties, it is nice to have a variety of wands to use for a variety of different purposes. You might, therefore, wish to build a collection of wands made from a variety of gemstones.

When selecting a wand to use for a specific purpose, you should choose one made from a stone that is suitable to your intention. Therefore, it is good to know a little about the healing properties of different gemstones so that you are able to select a stone that harmonizes with the purpose for which you wish to use it.

Getting to Know Your Wand

Before using your wand, you may wish to spend some time with it to become familiar with its energy and to harmonize with it. The better you know your wand, the more effectively it will work for you. You can hold it while you meditate, or just sit holding it and feeling its shape, texture, and weight, and visually examining it to familiarize yourself with any patterns or changes in color it may have. You can also sleep with your wand, or even take a bath with it. Spending time with your wand will not only help to you become attuned to it, but you will also be receiving its healing energies at the same time.

Cleansing and Recharging your Wand

Crystal and gemstone wands should always be cleansed and recharged after usage, especially when it is being used on multiple people or for multiple purposes. Otherwise, any negative energies the stone has removed from one person may be transferred to another. The easiest and most efficient way to cleanse a wand is to soak it in water for 12 to 24 hours. (Make sure first that your stone is not one that can be damaged by water.) And the best way to recharge your wand is to leave it out in the sun for an hour or so in the morning, or leave it out under moonlight for an entire night, this works best when the moon is full.

Healing with your Wand

There is no right or wrong way to work with a wand. There are, however, a few common basic methods. These methods are not set in stone (ha, ha), but are merely a rough guideline to help you to get started. A big part of working with stones, whether or not you are using them for healing, is listening to your intuition. The energy vibrations of a stone will speak to you if you listen. As you work with your wand and gain experience using it, you will eventually come up with a method which works best for you and your wand(s).

To heal a specific condition (on yourself or someone else):

  1. Begin by drawing the “murky” energy out of the affected area. Do this by holding the wand over the area (it is not necessary to touch the body with the wand) with the point pointing away from the area being healed. While doing this, picture in your mind the crystal drawing the negative energy out of the body, through the crystal, and then out the pointed tip. Some people also draw a circle or spiral in the air above the wound by waving the wand in a counter-clockwise direction as they move it over the afflicted area. Some people speak out loud in prayer, or repeat the intention, or speak other words of healing. Again, there is no right or wrong way to do this. Use your intuition and go with what you feel is best.
  2. To replace the negative energy with positive energy, and thereby heal the problem area, do the opposite. Hold the wand point down over the afflicted area as you visualize healing energy coming down into the crystal, through it, and then into patient’s the body in a focused beam of energy. If you waved the wand counter-clockwise when drawing out the negative energy, then wave the wand over the area in a clockwise motion. If you spoke words during the removal of the bad energy, you may wish to also speak words while the problem area is infused with healing energy. Use your intuition to determine when the healing is complete. It could take anywhere from one minute to 15 minutes or even longer. After completion, some people say a prayer of thanks.

To scan the aura and chakras to locate and heal blockages:

  • It is easiest to have the patient in a laying down position. Begin wherever on the body you wish and hold the wand horizontally over the patient, but not touching the patient. Slowly move the wand over the entire body. As you do this, take note of any areas in which the wand feels different. It may vibrate, or become warm or cold, or feel harder to move, or feel heavier. These are the areas where there are blockages in the aura or chakras.
  • Once you have finished scanning the aura, go back to the blocked areas and use the wand in the same way as above, first removing the negative energy, and then replacing it with positive energy.

An alternate way to scan the aura

  1. With the patient lying down, hold the wand point up and move it over the body slowly in small counter-clockwise circles beginning at the feet. Whenever you feel that there is a blockage, pause at the area and remove the stuck energy as before. If you feel the need to change the wand’s movement, then do so. Once the area feels clear, return back to the counter-clockwise movement and continue scanning the body up towards the head, stopping again whenever you sense there is a blockage.
  2. When you reach the crown of the head, reverse the wand so it is pointing downward, and swing the wand over the patient’s body in small clockwise circles, working your way back down to the feet. This will recharge the energy fields in the aura and chakras. If you once again feel an area of blockage, turn the point back upwards and remove the bad energy until it feels cleared. Then turn the point back downwards and return to waving the wand in small clockwise circles over the body, beginning with the area that was just unblocked.

Again, there is no right or wrong way to do this. Just listen to your intuition to find the way that is best for you.

Cleansing your Crystals

Just like us, our crystals absorb and mix it up with so many other energies that, as do we, they also need loving tender care. Time to re-centre and release all that has been taken on.

When you are using your crystals for specific healing purposes they need to be cleansed and charged regularly. I cleanse my personal crystals at least once a month, the full moon is my preferred method. If I feel a crystal or stone has been working overtime with me, I will cleanse and charge it more often.

If you are using crystals for healing on others they must be cleansed each time before they are used again on another, this includes yourself.

Charging and cleansing crystals clears away absorbed energy and give them vital renewed energy. There are a few crystals that are said don’t need to be cleansed however I feel all crystals need to be cleansed and re–energized regardless.


Here are a few ways to cleanse and charge your crystals. Please remember not all methods are suitable for some stones and crystals, especially those who do not like water or sun.

  • Placing your crystals in morning sunlight on the Earth for an hour or so, will charge most crystals. It can get very hot in the day and some crystals will fade, darken or crack under too much heat, so remember morning sun only.
  • Placing your crystals out under moonlight is a gentle and penetrating method for recharging your crystals. The full moons’ light is the brightest in its cycle, thus giving a greater charge to your crystals.
  • Placing them out in any dynamic weather conditions such as a thunderstorm provides an awesome electromagnetic charge to your crystals.
  • The power of intent or creative visualisation – focus on and see white light cleansing and charging your You will get a sense of when the crystal is recharged.
  • Placing your crystals under running water. Fresh creek water is wonderful or a very quick swim in the ocean, remember to rinse with fresh water and dry your crystals and stones.
  • Placing your crystals on an Amethyst cluster is great for recharging jewellery and smaller crystals. You can also place your crystals on a Clear Quartz cluster that you have programmed to recharge any crystals you put on it.
  • Smudging with Sage. The purifying smoke pulls the negativity into it and then transmutes it… then smudge yourself too 🙂
  • Placing your crystals on a Selenite ruler brings them back to their sparkling selves in no time.  Selenite cleanses and energises your Crystals.
  • Crystal singing bowls are another great way to shake out all the lower frequencies and make your crystals buzz. Never place your crystals or stones inside a bowl. Sit them around the crystal bowl and do not allow them to touch the bowl or the bowl may shatter.
  • Placing your Crystals in a grid. This can be a grid you create yourself with other crystals, or you could use a sacred geometry pattern such as the Sri Yantra or a Metatrons’ cube / Star of David / Flower of Life / Tree of Life image etc…  You can download and print images and then place your crystals on top of them.

Follow your intuition to chose a method for cleansing your crystals and stones. If in doubt feel free to contact us here